“The folks at Panda are all about lifting people up and sharing their good fortune. So when Asian Pacific American Heritage Month rolled around, we wanted to send a message of support and encouragement. We created digital advertising and social media advertising around a simple idea

We are not defined by just one thing. But by many things. We are a combination of talents and traits that transcend any and all stereotypes.

And thus, the “Hyphens Unite Us” campaign was born.

Our Originals

First, we created a series of social posts and stories that tapped into the rich and varied experiences of iconic Asian-American Originals.


Sponsored and organic posts highlighted the diversity of what it means to be an Asian-American Original.

The Campaign United Dozens of Originals

Hyphen art was created for over two dozen micro-influencers.

Fans Found More Inspiration on Our Landing Page

The stories drove to a campaign landing page, where fans learned more about Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and watched exclusive, behind-the-scenes interviews of our featured talent.

Panda fans far and wide connected and engaged with our message.

Over 230 million people, in fact. Almost double the impressions of the previous year’s campaign. And best of all, 85% of those impressions were organic, showing just how resonant this idea was.

Looking for an ad agency to help get your message out into the world? We’d love to help.




Organic Impressions

Looking for an ad agency to help get your message out into the world? We’d love to help.